Tips For Succeeding as a Certified Yoga Instructor
If you have embarked on the journey of becoming a certified yoga instructor and you’re looking for a piece of advice that will make you stand apart and be different from the competition then you have come to the right place because we are here to give you four important tips that will help you succeed as a certified yoga trainer, these tips are from some of the top yoga instructors who have worked with some reputable yoga studios and from reliable online sources like Marianne Wells Yoga School, so without further ado here are the top tips to succeed as a certified yoga instructor,
- Get the right certification: This is so crucial for your journey, students value where their teachers have learned from if you’re considering giving classes online and one the other hand if you are going to a yoga studio and start from there then forget about landing a job unless you have all the right certifications.
- Attend multiple levels of practice: People think that the basic level which is RYT200 is enough to get them competing and that is a huge mistake they make, you shouldn’t even think about starting as an instructor unless you have attended 500 hours of training.
- Be clear about your teaching style: This is something that you will learn during your training as well, but you need to be clear about your yoga methods, techniques and style because there are plenty to choose from
- Offer more than others: There are countless options for the public and you should give them the reason to choose and that is when you give them something extra and offer more than what everyone is doing, this is where you catch the crowd and become a successful yoga instructor.